ManaPool Articles Want to win some awesome gamer gear from

Want to win some awesome gamer gear from

Want to win some awesome gamer gear from post thumbnail image

Wait whot? Free loot? Yep, that’s right – Mana Pool has teamed up with J!NX, who were so awesome as to provide us with $150 worth of gift vouchers for their geek shop. Their clothing store is packed with gamer goodness, from World of Warcraft shirts to Minecraft. There’s definitely something cool to be found for pretty much any gamer, and joining in the contest couldn’t be easier. If the contest has a good response, we might just do this again next month. And the month after. And… well you see where this is going. So go and tell your friends. And their friends. And their dog. And.. wait you’re still here?

We’ll be giving away a $15 gift voucher to 10 winners, each valid on to be spend on whatever you like. Socks, a hat, or even a sticker to put on your lunchbox – we won’t judge you (much..) It’s your fifteen bucks and you can do with it as you please.

J1NX World of Warcraft

Participating couldn’t be easier, so pay attention:
Please note you have to follow all steps, don’t stop at the first 2… without a comment / valid e-mail address we can’t contact you!

  1. Like J!NX on Facebook:

  2. Like Mana Pool on Facebook:

  3. Leave a comment on this post, ensuring you use a valid e-mail address so you can be contacted IF you have won.

Whether or not we will do this again will depend on the response, so please do hit the sharing buttons at the bottom of this post! Perhaps you can win again! And if we notice you participate regularly in these events, we’ll go out of your way to reward you for that – 3 of the winners will be hand picked, with the rest being completely random! So if you’re our biggest fan, you might just find yourself with some new clothes soon!

The competition will close at Midnight (GMT) on Saturday the 16th – and winners disclosed on the Sunday.

20 thoughts on “Want to win some awesome gamer gear from”

  1. Contests like this are what I’m good at, clicking buttons and writing texts :)
    And the loot would be awesome, Jinx has some very awesome clothes in there :D

  2. The competition has now ended, and the winners have been notified.

    Daniel Coutts-Smith
    Shawn spencer
    Tim Smedinga
    Kraken Wakes
    Jeremie J

    Congratulations to all winners, you will find the voucher codes in your e-mail inbox!

  3. Sweeet! I can’t remember the last time I won anything in a competition, this has made my week.

  4. Unfortunate, my voucher isn’t working. :( I sent you an e-mail with a screenshot and contacted J!NX. Thank you so much for it though. It has made my week. Especially since I received it on my birthday!

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