ManaPool King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame Giveaway Competition

King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame Giveaway Competition

King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame Giveaway Competition post thumbnail image

Thanks to the nice people at Paradox Interactive, we’ve got a lovely pile of 5 copies of King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame including the King Arthur: The Saxons expansion to give away.

How do you enter?  It’s simple, just post a comment below*, stating why you should win and we’ll select the 3 comments we liked the most when the competition ends.  We’ll then send you an e-mail (so make sure you use a valid e-mail address) with the code and instructions how to activate the game if you’re the winner.

In addition to this, we will also give away 2 copies on Twitter. To participate, hit the “tweet” button at the bottom of this post, or goto Twitter yourself and spread the word about the giveaway! Ensure you include the hash tag #manapool and a link to this page in your tweet to be eligible. We will Direct Message (DM) the winner with the codes, so make sure you follow Mana Pool on Twitter or we will be unable to message you!

Example Tweet: 5 copies of King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame to win in the Giveaway Competition at #manapool –

The competition is open to anyone, and entries close at Midnight, December 5th. We will allow one entry per person, so only the first comment per user will count. Winners will be announced at Facebook and Twitter on December 6th.

If you wish to follow Mana Pool and stay up-to-date of new content, you can do so at Twitter, Facebook and YouTube or subscribe to our RSS Feed.

The Editor’s decision is final. Game comes in the form of a code enabling you to activate a full retail copy + expansion of the game at GamersGate.

*We heavily moderate comments, which means that if you are a new visitor and have not had a comment approved previously that your comment will not show up immediately. Don’t worry though – check back later and it will be there!

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows© XP SP2/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: AMD Athlon 3500+ or Intel Pentium IV 3.4 Ghz processor
Memory: , 1GB RAM (XP) 1.5Gb RAM (Vista/7) memory
Hard disk space: 8 Gbyte
Video: Nvidia 6600 (256Mb) / ATI Radeon X700 (256Mb)
Sound: DirectX 9-compliant sound card
DirectX®: 9.0c or higher
Additional: Nvidia (AGEIA) PhysX (included in the installer)

Recommended system requirements:
Operating system: Windows© XP SP2/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: AMD X2 6000+ or Intel Core2 Duo E6600
Memory: 1.5GB RAM(XP) 2GB RAM (Vista/7) memory
Hard disk space: 8 Gbyte
Video: Nvidia 9800 GTX (512MB) AMD/ATI HD4850 (512MB)
Sound: DirectX 9-compliant sound card
DirectX®: 9.0c or higher
Additional: Nvidia (AGEIA) PhysX (included in the installer)

50 thoughts on “King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame Giveaway Competition”

  1. I think I should win because I have had a lot of bad personal luck this year, and finally getting myself sorted out. And with my new PC order at the end of the month I can not think of a better game to test my new system on!

  2. It was with much despair that Rob looked into his wallet to find that he, once again, had no money with which to procure kick ass video games.

    “Oh woe is me!”, proclaimed Rob as he gazed out at the downtown traffic.

    “Sir” chimed his faithful squire Mr. Baldrick. “I have a cunning plan …”. Rob raised one eyebrow as he studied Baldrick, wondering if this “cunning plan” would even be worth entertaining for the briefest of moments. “We can convince to GIVE us a copy of a kick-ass video game” continues Baldrick.

    Stunned that the suggestion was not entirely idiotic, Rob proclaimed “Baldrick, let it never be said that your head contains about as much grey-matter as a turnip. TO MANAPOOL!”.

    “Thank you, sir.” muttered Baldrick as the two companions mounted their gallant steed and rode off in the direction of Firefox.

  3. I should win because if I don’t I will be forced to sit at home alone this weekend looking after my narcoleptic dog who is often teased for falling asleep mid-sentence by my bipolar cat with ADHD who refuses to take her meds because she says it makes her feel “weird.” King Arthur: The role playing war game should solve all my problems.

  4. It is quite obvious that I should be the victor of this contest of wits because I speak in a magniloquent manner, similar to the great King Arthur himself! Furthermore, I already own this fantastich (German for fantastic, uneducated fool) game and would only use this copy to gift it to my 12 year old cousin who is also fantastich. Or I just might gift it to myself so I could feel like a corpulent aristocrat. Two copies of King Arthur!? Why I wonder which one I shall play today!

    The proverbial ball is in your proverbial court.

  5. I should win because I live in the United States, and winning would prove that being from ‘cross the pond does not always automatically disqualify us Yanks from winning contests in the UK.

    On top of that, I did a research paper on King Arthur when I was in the 4th grade – this was in 1983, long before he became the pop-culture icon he is today – at least, here in the States. I can only guess Arthur and Lance the gang have been pop-culture icons over there since before TV was invented, being as that’s where they’re from and all…

  6. You know, it’s always hard to justify making a claim with the angle of, “I oughta win acuze I’m great.” Honestly, I’d love to win, I’ve been seriously considering picking either it or, “Hegemony: Philip of Macedon,” to fill my gaming needs. Strategy and roleplaying games tend to be my heroin, so it really got my attention with this title when it came out, but I am a man of limited means, so I can only get so many games at a time.

    TL|DR: There are probably better people to win, but hell, winning’s good too.

  7. Last week I was like, “Yo, Guinevere, when you gonna let me hit that.” Lancelot was like, “You steppin’?” I was like, “Can’t blame a Green Knight for tryin’, son.”

    Way I see it, if ya’ll let me wear Arthur’s threads for a day, maybe I got a chance.

  8. I think I should win because… erm… blah I hate selling myself but I can only think of a few reasons:

    I’m currently swamped with assignments and coursework, a game might cheer me up a tad.
    This looks like the kind of game I play (resemblance to Stronghold Crusader/2/Extreme

    Oh and hai from PCS.

  9. I would love to be a winner as I’ve just got a new comp from the wonderful PCS and it would be fantastic if you were so kind to pick my name out.

    I never win many competitions and it would be great if you guys would pick me for once.

    I have subbed to your youtube channel, I’ve added you on facebook so I guess I’m a very regular viewer of your site! : ).

    Thanks guys!

  10. I should win because the other guys from PCS are lame asses and it would make me very happy to win over them, if not I will haz sad eyez :( No one likes sad eyez.

  11. I should win because i fail in that kind of strategy games,but i can become better.

    All i ask is one more chance…

  12. I should win, because I’m granting you the lamest King Arthur joke ever made =)
    “When were King Arthur’s army too tired to fight ? When they had lots of sleepless knights !”

  13. I should win because I’ve figured out that the meaning to life, and the answer to existence is hidden somewhere in King Arthur.

    And because if I don’t, in all likelihood I’ll scream and cry and wet my pants, and then run to my mommy faster then a Frenchmen can run from a shower.

  14. I should have a copy of king Arthur because Arthur came back to life and told me i should get a copy! also he danced to thriller! Cometh lady shamona!

  15. I think I should win because I want the game. So, send it and everything else that you have for free to me =)

  16. I seem to have built up a rather nice collection of Paradox Interactive games , and it would be nice to be able to get a little closer to completing the set. In any case I’ve been slightly overplaying Victoria 2 and it would be good to be able to command knights in shining armour and do some questing as opposed to trying to colonise Africa, again… Also then I could sort of blame you for my impending GCSE results catastrophe.

  17. I hope to win because I have recently learned that I may be descended from one of the Knights of the Round Table. Actually, Lucan the Butler (who may or may not have been an actual butler). And in order to determine if this is true I’ll need the game in order to continue my genealogical research. If you don’t select me to win you will be dooming me to life as an orphan of time. I’m not sure what that means, but I thought it added the proper amount of drama.

    Also, you would be helping me to determine if I should pursue life as a butler, thereby carrying on the family legacy. Or if I will continue on toward my dream of becoming magic-user/thief/part-time master sommelier.

    Think of the lives you might ruin if you let that happen. Hmmm?

  18. Dear King Arthur.

    When I was a child, a little voice in my head once told me I would become someone great. As time and seasons passed, I did too along the corridors of life. At each turning I would wait, watch and listen for the voice of encouragement to guide me through. It is only when you’re ready to be the first to open that door that you’ll have people welcoming you with open arms. It is that which defines a hero. I am ready to accept the 1st copy of the game and the winning journey ahead. Thank you :-)


  19. Why should I win this game? I should win it to have a chance to improve my English. I want to know much better a language of Shakespeare, and what is the best way to learn something? Learning through playing. And who will be better to teach me but King Arthur?

    So if entertainment is so good way to learn English, and you wish to give a friendly hand to foreigner, I would be very grateful for your helping in my education :)

  20. Deeds in themselves are meaningless unless they are done for some higher purpose. My purpose in making this comment is to win this game as a prize, something for which I hold out great hope. For there is no worse death than the end of hope.

  21. I’ve been eyeing this games for a very, very long time, but sadly my financial situation has not left me with much to spend on games, and probably won’t be the case in the near future. Simultaniously I’ve been swamped with assignments, 10 during the last 2 weeks to be exact, and next week I’ll have to buckle down to write an exam assignment, which will pretty much make sure I’ll not be able to play any games for the 3 weeks…

    So yeah, it would indeed be nice if I had a new game to relax with over the holidays :D

  22. If I do not win my Legion (2.543534 x 10^11–to be exact) of triple armed musk rats will donkey punch each and everyone one of you, this will of course all occur to a soundtrack of Justin Bieber. Make sure I win!

  23. I’d like to win to add something new to our board gaming club here at school. We’ve been playing too much strategy and not enough role playing, so this would be a great addition.

  24. I have loved computer RPGs since it was cool to name your archvillain with a backward spelling of the developers’ name (yes, I mean Werdna from Wizardry), so I would truly appreciate another great CRPG. And, I could finally brag about winning something other than an epic boss battle. (grin).

  25. cRPGs are those type of games I love the most – they have story, dialogues and different characters who have own personalities and way of life. When you add to that medieval times you get a much better story and world which, in some cases, you know and can refer to historical events. That kind of mix gives you King Arthur, so I can’t miss a chance to win such prize. Make my wish come true and fulfil my dream of becoming great knight in shining armor on a pony :).

  26. I don’t want to win for myself, but for my rat army. They’re poor little whiskers are drooping because they don’t have any man-things to conquer. They’ve even stopped eating.

    I believe this game might get their spirits up and once again I’ll hear the happy squeaking of thousands of Skaven chanting, “Kill!! Kill!! The Saxons!!”

  27. I need to win this as part of my plan for global domination. I can’t go into details but winning here is as important to my plans as the raccoon mounted hypno-ray blasters that I also need for this plan. Mwahahaha Mwahahaha Mwaha..*cough* *cough*

  28. “Hello, Mana Pool, look at this crowd, now back to me, now back at your crowd, now back to me. Sadly, they aren’t me, but they might actually win a match against me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a Castle with the Lord your crowd could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an Excalibur with two jeweled socketed that give your sword that mighty sparkle. Look again, Excalibur is now a magnificent flying dragon . Anything is possible when your Lord looks like Maziel and not a lady. I’m on a thorne.”

  29. Although games are always fun to receive for free this letter is in fact written on behalf of someone else – namely a friend who is rather sick and could do with some cheering up. I think he would appreciate the gesture of being able to play King Arthur on his computer, delve into mythical Britannia, and perhaps not worry so much about what horrors await during yet another scheduled trip to the hospital. Thank you.

  30. I need to win because I lost my job due to the recession and trying to provide Christmas to my Children.

  31. I’ve given it some thought..

    I can honestly say I don’t want to win the game because I’d rather not go to Camelot – it’s a silly place.

  32. I’ve newly brought a computer capable of playing more modern games. Sadly, it broke my budget. Therefore I’ve not been able to enoy my new computer to its fullest. But! By the looks of it you at manapool can help me. Most gratefully, Peter.

  33. Hi, King Arthur here, I just wanted to say how I outraged I was to find a game that’s been made about me, without my personal input. I insist I have a copy of the game to check over the historical accuracy…..please xx

  34. After two months of playing Starcraft 2, it would be great to jump from sci-fi future back to good old medieval times of Britannia to fight alongside King Arthur and become Knight of Round Table.

  35. Congratulations to the winners: rbtroj, Rob and skavenhorde :-)

    The winners on Twitter are @txa1265 & @PiratingPete.

    We hope you will enjoy King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame and the Expansion! All winners will be e-mailed their prizes, so check your inbox shortly!

  36. Wow! Thank you Mana Pool and thank you Paradox! This title has been on my wish list since before it was released. I don’t have much in the way of disposable income, so this is an unexpected treat during a challenging time for me.

    Thanks again!

  37. Thanks for the contest – this is a great looking game I have been meaning to play since it came out! Thanks to Paradox for sponsoring the contest and to you guys for hosting it!

  38. Awesome! My rats and I thank you. Right now I hear the happy squeaking of thousands of Skaven young and old in preparation for the slaughter they will bring to the man-things. They’re appetite has returned and the babies are drinking their warpstone milk again.

    All of the destruction they cause will be dedicated to Manapool and the first place they conquer will be renamed manablight. Each and everyone of them thank you from their black little hearts.

  39. Woohoo! I was stunned to see that my silly Black Adder inspired entry had won! I love the game so far. If you like strategy games with a dose of rpg-ness tossed in for good measure you should check it out.

    Many hearty thanks to and Paradox interactive! You guys made my week!

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