ManaPool Gaming News King Arthur II Developer Interview Released

King Arthur II Developer Interview Released

King Arthur II Developer Interview Released post thumbnail image

King Arthur II will feature a new and dark fantasy setting.  No longer the valiant ruler, King Arthur is now the Maimed King trying to mend a land almost beyond repair in a stunning new plot.  More heroic, large scale battles with bigger armies are at reach to defeat more power foes. Intense boss fights never seen before promise to pit hero’s forces against unique and terrifying enemies.  A new wide range of new camera control options, revised animations and an extensive tutorial will provide for the ultimate gaming experience.

And some screen shots wouldn’t go amiss either!

KingArthurII_a_wound_in_the_land KingArthurII_the_return_of_sir_lancelot
KingArthurII_the_creature_of_the_blight KingArthurII_Duel

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