ManaPool Indie Roundup Indie Game Roundup: 2-Dimensions

Indie Game Roundup: 2-Dimensions

Thursday Triple is a weekly roundup of Indie Games from around the Net.

This week’s roundup takes us into the world of beautifully crafted 2D games. It’s been a helluva time here while I battle -30 conditions (-22 for our American friends and their Fahrenheit scale). But whether or not you have to deal with similarly awesome weather, these games below will give you plenty of excuse to stay at home.

New Release – Fractured Soul

By Endgame Studios

Originally a game for 3DS, Fractured Soul is an action-packed platformer where you control the Entity, a creature able to shift between realities at will. You’re tasked with defending the Typhon Cluster, a well of sorts from which life begins, against enemies equally as stylish as you are.

You’ll have to be smart about when to switch into the other dimension, either to solve a puzzle or avoid an untimely end. Alternatively, if you have a friend around who would like to help, you can give them control over one half of the screen while you focus on the other.

The game takes its inspiration from classic 80s platformers while still looking fresh and modern. It’s bright. It’s colourful. And those sequences where you hop into a ship and shoot hordes of incoming fliers is really bringing out the shmup lover in me.

[youtube link=”” width=”590″ height=”315″]

Fractured Soul is now available on and Desura for $8.99.

Steam Early Access – Super Motherload

By XGen Studios

When I read the description for this game, something about “alternate Cold-War era” and “set on Mars” piqued my curiosity. Can you imagine what would have happened if staking out swaths of Martian land became the goal of pre-90s politicians? Try to raise a platform built on space expedition now and you would be laughed into the next decade.

But this is the reality set forth in Super Motherload. You are a new recruit of the Solarus Corporation, and your job is to continue off where others have failed. Your purpose is to harvest resources on the Red Planet and restore communications. What happened to the last team, well, you’ll have to find that out yourself.

I must admit though, the promise of a fully voiced cast of Soviet and American players was what initially brought me to this game. Regardless of my bias towards Russian accents, Super Motherload brings intriguing features from unlockable characters to procedurally generated levels. Alas, the multiplayer is co-op only, but hey I love a good cuddle game.

[youtube link=”” width=”590″ height=”315″]

Super Motherload is available on Steam Early Access for $13.49 in its opening week.

Up and Coming – DreamRoom

By Rittenhouse

To round off this list, I found a gorgeous work-in-progress titled DreamRoom. The pixel-art adventure game will have you thinking about the worlds that exist in our minds. Go to their site to get a taste of the atmosphere, or watch the trailer below for a quick view of what’s to come.

[quote_simple]”Lay your head back, and close your eyes.
Listen to the soft rain hitting your window.
When the time is right, enter your dreams to answer their mysterious callings.”[/quote_simple]

[youtube link=”” width=”590″ height=”315″]

5 thoughts on “Indie Game Roundup: 2-Dimensions”

  1. Really interesting indeed. Indie games are amazing, you never know what will people come up with, and you may find true masterpieces.

    Good job ZIEK =)


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