ManaPool Articles Distro Horizons Giveaway

Distro Horizons Giveaway

ManaPool recently hooked up with Kitatus Studios for an Interview on Distro Horizons. If you’ve followed this with interest, we got some exciting news: this is your chance of actually becoming part of the game in its final stages of development. And with becoming part of the game, we’re being quite literal as the winners get to work with Kitatus Studios and design an NPC – complete with your own voice over and everything! That’s besides for the fact that you’ll of course receive a copy of the game itself.

The Giveaway

  • 5  Winners Receive: Design a NPC‘ + Copy of Distro Horizons.
  • 10 Further Winners Receive: Copy of Distro Horizons.

[icon_check] Please scroll to the bottom of this article to find details on how to join. It’s free and only takes a few seconds!

Details on the NPC
The winners work with Kitatus to come up with an idea of a non-playable character that will be hidden within the game for players to find and interact with. They get full say in how their NPC looks and what the NPC’s name is (within reason – there is an age restriction!).

Winner can decide whether or not they will want to voice their character or send Kitatus a description on how the voice will sound. They’ll get a choice in what the NPC says as long as it’s age-friendly.

The winners would also be credited for their role in the project in the credits.

Details on the Copy of Distro Horizons

Winners will receive a digital alpha key for Distro Horizons.

The alpha Key unlocks: All future Alphas, Betas, The Final Game on Release and any and all post-release DLC as well as bonus content (Soundtrack, Making of Digital Artbook and Concept Art).

How the keys can be activated:

  1. Create an account on Desura.
  2. Head to
  3. Input the Key.
  4. Download the Desura client and download the game in the Play tab.


Distro Horizons Alpha
About Distro Horizons

Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo’s Army is an N64-Style Platformer for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Powered by the Unity engine, Distro Horizons follows the story of young cat-man Distro on his quest to save his parents and all dimensions from the clutches of evil alien overlord Galaximo. Distro Horizons will have players travelling to many different dimensions, meeting many crazy and bizarre characters, all on the great adventure to put a stop to Galaximo’s plans.

Steam Greenlight:


This competition is now closed

Entries closed at Friday, March 14th at 18:00 UK, 13:00 CST, 14:00 EST. The winners have been notified.

6 thoughts on “Distro Horizons Giveaway”

  1. Looking forward to the game. Good luck.

    Facebook: Gregoire Pinder
    Twitter: @Born2beGregz

  2. Not sure if I can actually enter since I write for ManaPool and I already got a key because I’m actually writing the Distro Horizons review. But I really would like to design/voice an NPC.

    1. Anyone outside the Editorial Team can enter – the draw is randomly generated and we have plenty of prizes. If we happen to draw a contributor to the site itself, we’ll give an additional key away from our own pool of spares to compensate and ensure we still give 15 keys in total to readers.

  3. The following people have won a copy of the game, as well as the opportunity to work with Kitatus Studios in designing an NPC, complete with voice-over if they wish:


    In addition, the following people have won a copy of the game:

    We will try to contact you on Twitter to arrange your prizes. If you didn’t follow us, this will be rather tricky, so please rectify that.

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